Thursday, February 6, 2020

Never Say in an Email What You Can Say in Person---

---and if you resort to email, don't hit the send button until you have thoroughly vetted your response.

I was included in a recent email string concerning recognition and awards.

Apparently, the Department Head (DH) send an email to the LPO requesting status of two awards (I did not receive the initial inquiry). This is the email discussion:

LPO: "The best we can do for Seaman X is an LOA, as for Petty Officer Y he was supposed to turn his brag sheet into me last week, I guess he did not feel it was that important. So now he has until this Friday to turn it in. v/r HM2(SW)

DH: "It is not for Petty Officer Y to turn in a brag sheet for an award. It is for you to gather his evals (he can help with this) and for you to write it up. Remember, awards are supposed to be surprises!!"

I was sorely vexed with LPO's response. Since I was tasked with updating the status on Petty Officer Z in the same message, I asked LPO about the status. "It's on the board convener's desk." Then I asked him why he told the DH that Petty Officer Y didn't care.

"I didn't write that," he protested. "I was just thinking about it."

"Let me show you," I suggested. I read verbatim his email and he put his hand to his mouth. Finally, he said, "I am sincerely sorry. That is inexcusable."